Women in Engineering Event

The Women in Engineering Event (WIE) for ICOPS & APCOPTS 2024 took place in Beijing, China on June 17 at the Beijing International Convention Center. This is one of the highlights of the 51st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) and the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma and Terahertz Science (APCOPTS). The ICOPS is an annual conference coordinated by the Plasma Science and Applications Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS). For the first time the ICOPS is held in China. The 51st ICOPS & 4th APCOPTS are chaired by Prof. Tao Shao from the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The conferences are jointly hosted by the NPSS, the China Electrotechnical Society and the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The WIE event was chaired by Prof. Seong Ling Yap from the University of Malaya and Prof. Cui Meng, Qiushi Distinguished Professor from Zhejiang University, China. Two distinguished keynote speakers are Mrs. Lei Han, Editorial Director of both the Proceedings of the CSEE and CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, the Secretary General of WIP of IEEE PES China, and Prof. Qi Chen from Beijing Jiaotong University, Special Expert of the Beijing International S&T Cooperation Base for Plasma Science and Energy Conversion, and the Director of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. Two invited guests Prof. Qiuyue Nie from Harbin Institute of Technology, China, Prof. Ruixue Wang from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China, and over 50 female scientists, engineers or postgraduate students from different countries have gathered for the WIE Event.


The ICOPS & APCOPTS 2024 WIE began with a warm welcome by Prof. Seong Ling Yap and Prof. Cui Meng. The chairs encouraged active participation of the attendees, to engage in networking, gain career insights, share thoughts and connecting with senior researchers and professors on innovation and advancement. Mrs. Lei Han delivered the first keynote on the title "Women Empowering Journals and Introduction of IEEE PCCC Women in Power Committee". She presented the development history of the IEEE PCCC Women in Engineering Committee and encouraged everyone to actively participate in the related activities. Prof. Qi Chen shared her career experiences and challenges in her keynote talk. She gave several scenarios when involution infuses into our life, a solution to the related problem must be sought to achieve an inner peace and serenity.



The roundtable forum was moderated by Prof. Qiuyue Nie from Harbin Institute of Technology, Prof. Ruixue Wang from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and Prof. Seong Ling Yap. The participants introduced themselves and actively engaged in discussion with the panels. The most discussed topics include the challenge faced in research environment and career consideration after graduation. The exchange touched on the emotion management, enhancement of internal strength, supports from friends and colleagues to overcome inequality in the field of science and technology, uphold integrity while committing fully in research and career development. Prof. Qi Chen stressed on the soft internal of a female shall be complimented by deterministic and perseverance. Prof. Qiuyue Nie advised young scholar to make brave decision when come to career choices without worries on the uncertainties, she believes that once we do it full heartedly, there is no regret regardless of the success and failure in the task, while one grows stronger after each challenge and obstacle. Prof. Ruixue Wang added a note on the consideration of the multiple aspects in life of a female engineer, shall be faced with emotional stability, and one shall do her best on all the aspects. Prof. Seong Ling Yap acknowledged that the challenges faced by each individual would not be the same, one shall face it positively and appreciate the experiences. She encouraged all the young female researchers, engineers or postgraduate students to plan their path according to their passion and vision of their life, execute it with joy and without fear. Prof. Cui Meng shared her experience and attributed her success to her self-determination and commitment in all her undertaking, even a small task. Prof. Seong Ling Yap reiterated the vision of IEEE WIE as a network of women engineers and scientists who support and inspire each other in the science and engineering careers. She encouraged everyone to learn more about WIE's mission, activities, and join the membership on the official website. The chairs presented souvenirs of the ICOPS & APCOPTS 2024 WIE to the invited speakers, and all the attendees. A fun and heartwarming interactive evening ended with a wonderful group photo-taking session. Smiles on the faces, warm in the hearts, and a newly built network of professionals and peers registered in the mobile app, preparing the participants with better confident in their future undertaking.



Conference Starts
Abstract Submission Deadline
Early Registration Deadline
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)